Award Winning Consulting Firm: The U.S. Department of Commerce bestowed upon Ashton International its prestigious the award “Accomplishments in the Global Market”.

Expand Your Business Globally: Ashton International  assists businesses to identify profitable global markets and develop strategies to succeed in those markets. Ashton International will provide access to potential clients,  funding, investment opportunities, global commerce trends, and compliance services.

Ashton International Offers


Expanding to a global market provides access to new possible clients, less saturated with competitors. Furthermore, your company has the opportunity to provide reliable products or services to clients in those regions. This will allow your brand to develop global recognition, gaining further credibility and success.


Ashton International (AI) provides competitive and proactive strategies to become relevant on global markets. AI is able to offer  the tools and resources, necessary to succeed in each, specific market.  AI market analysis mitigates international transaction risk, which is essential for business’ growth and profitability.  Upon request, your business will have access to possible clients, by region and industry classification.  


AI develops customized assessments, regarding strategic marketing intelligence and expert knowledge, by region and industry trends. AI will provide alternatives to promote your business brand. AI will create custom made campaigns to build a strong brand. This includes Television promotion with “World CC TV”, streaming on Amazon TV and Roku Network, with access to over 100 million viewers, globally. 


AI will provide contacts to new possible clients, investors, and, funding opportunities, through out the public and private sector. AI will identify international representation and suppliers as well.  AI offers the benefit of long standing partnerships with Government officials, such as Ambassadors, Consuls and other world leaders, facilitating successful entry in those international markets.


Ashton International Assists In Connecting Businesses Worldwide.

Conquer the global markets. Expand your business globally with AI assessments to reach out to investors and potential clients, including international strategic business information and compliance. 

AI offers, upon request,  Feasibility studies, Risk Management Strategies, and other solutions, when expanding to one or more international markets. 

Hablamos Espanol y Falamos Portuguese: Asistencia para efectuar negocios en Estados Unidos, ofreciendo contactos, informacion de Mercado y otros. 

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Ashton International is committed to excellence with an outstanding service ethic. These vital standards have enabled the firm to extend its business in the global marketplace.